Customizing various aspects of links

Customizing link names

You can customize the display of link names through the following CSS properties:
  • label
  • labelVisible
  • labelFont
  • labelForeground
  • labelBackground
  • labelPosition
  • labelAntialiasing
  • labelSpacing
  • labelWrappingMode
  • labelWrappingWidth
  • labelWrappingHeight
  • labelMargin
  • labelAlignment
  • labelBorderColor
  • labelDirection
  • lineSpacing
  • minLabelZoom
  • maxLabelZoom
  • labelScaleFactor
Refer to Customizing the label of a business object for details on these properties and how to use them.

Customizing link tooltips

You can customize the display of link tooltips through the following CSS properties:
  • toolTipGraphic
  • toolTipText
For details on these properties and how to use them, refer to Changing the font of all labels .

Adding new decorations to links

You can add new decorations to the predefined business objects representation.

Customizing link port configuration

You can customize the way links connect to nodes through the following CSS properties:
  • linkPorts
  • fromPort
  • toPort
Refer to Customizing node and link layouts for details on these properties and how to use them.

Customizing link label layout

You can fine-tune the layout of link labels in a network through the CSS properties described in Customizing link label layout.
For details about the label layout, refer to Label layout.