Retrieving the value of a property

When you use CSS and implement your own graphic renderer or graphic class, you might be interested in the values of certain graphic properties.

How to retrieve the value of a property

Property values can be retrieved with the class IlpGraphicRendererContext. This class provides the following method:
  • public Object getPropertyValue (String property,IlpGraphicView view,IlpRepresentationObject)
    Returns the value of a property defined for the given representation object in the given view. This method applies to all graphic components.
    object."Alarm" {
        label: @identifier;
        iconVisible: true;
  • public Object getPropertyValue (String property,IlpGraphicView view,IlpRepresentationObject ro,IlpAttribute attribute)
    Returns the value of a property defined for a specific attribute in a representation object. This method applies to objects displayed in the table, network, or equipment components. It returns the properties declared using the object type selector.
    object."Alarm/creationTime" {
        label: '@|format(@#labelFormat,@creationTime)';
        toolTipText: '@|format(@#toolTipFormat,@creationTime)';
  • public Object getPropertyValue (String property,IlpGraphicView view,IlpClass bclass,IlpAttribute attribute)
    Returns the value of a property defined for a specific attribute in a business class. This method applies to business attributes displayed in the table component only. It returns the configuration used to represent the columns of the table. It mainly returns the properties declared using the attribute type selector.
    attribute."Alarm/creationTime" {
        label: "Created";
        toolTipText: "Creation time";
        preferredWidth: 130;