Attribute properties

Attribute properties are mainly used in the table component. For example, each cell in a table represents one attribute of a business object. Each attribute has its own associated set of properties that represent the graphic settings used by the table cell renderer to render the attribute value.
Attribute declarations are set using a CSS selector that is based on type object and a CSS class formed from the business class name and the attribute name.

How to customize attributes

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject/name" {
    label: @name;
JViews TGO provides default property values for all predefined business attributes. The use of these property values provides an esthetic display in a table, which corresponds to the JViews TGO look-and-feel.
Each attribute of the user-defined classes has an associated set of properties with default values. Attribute properties are also organized in a hierarchy. If an attribute is inherited from a parent class, its attribute property will inherit from the attribute property defined in the parent class. For example, the attribute property of IltNetworkElement inherits from the attribute property of IltObject.

How to use the inheritance mechanism for attributes

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject/name" {
    labelFont: "arial-plain-10";
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltNetworkElement/name" {
    labelFont: "arial-plain-12";