
Links are used to display the transmission elements making up the network lines.
Links feature the same dynamic display as network elements. Each type of link has its own graphical representation, and different link states are represented graphically by changes in color or internal pattern design. Links can also carry decorations, in particular to represent alarms. Links can be directional.
Some sample links are shown in the following figure.
A link in the disabled state.
A link in the active state.
A link with secondary states and a label.
A link with an alarm cluster.
The drawing of a link between two nodes is, by default, automatically calculated by JViews TGO. The link calculation is performed using a layout optimizer.
The default layout optimizer provided draws direct links without intermediate points and according to a given angle. The links are attached to nodes using small horizontal or vertical segments.
For more information about links, see Links.
Links can also be grouped in a link bundle, that is, a set of links that have the same destination node. Links in a bundle can be collapsed to a single overview link.