Object states

The state of a telecom object is described by an IltObjectState instance stored in the telecom object. This instance is called the object state of the telecom object. It contains state values corresponding to the primary state, the secondary states, and the alarm or trap state of the telecom object.
When the object state is modified to reflect a change in the telecom equipment state, the graphic representation of the telecom object is automatically recomputed and redisplayed.

Object state classes

There are seven subclasses of IltObjectState in JViews TGO. Subclasses are based on the OSI, Bellcore, SNMP and SONET state systems as illustrated in the figure that follows.
state classes
Object state classes
This figure shows that each type of object state can hold states and alarms. Alarms systematically complement states with the class IltAlarmObjectState, dedicated to the objects to which only alarms, and no states, are assigned. This figure also shows that each type of object state can hold states and traps. Traps systematically complement states with the class IltTrapObjectState, dedicated to the objects to which only traps, and no states, are assigned.
Depending on the state systems (OSI, Bellcore, SNMP, SONET, Alarm, Trap, Misc) that compose the object state, state modeling is performed differently. For example, there are three state attributes in the SONET state system, whereas there are only two in the other state systems. The terminology employed, as well as the structure of the state models themselves, is developed in the next section.

Dictionaries and object states

To choose the set of state dictionaries used to describe the state and alarm condition of a telecom object, select a subclass of IltObjectState to store the object state. The seven subclasses of IltObjectState are listed below with the state dictionaries that they gather.
The object state system is supplied as an argument to the constructor of the telecom business object, as in the following code example.

How to supply the state system to the business object

IltNetworkElement berlin =
  new IltNetworkElement
                      new IltBellcoreObjectState());