State values, state classes, and state systems

The Java™ classes introduced by JViews TGO to implement the concepts in state models are IltState and IltStateSystem.
State classes are subclasses of IltState. Their instances are the state values that will be used to describe the state and alarm condition of a telecom object. Examples of state values are: the primary state of a telecom object, each of its secondary states, or its alarm state.
The state dictionaries are embodied by instances of IltStateSystem, which gather the related state classes as nested classes.
JViews TGO includes seven state systems:
  • IltOSI is the gathering class for the OSI state dictionary. The classes nested in IltOSI are:
  • IltBellcore is the gathering class for the Bellcore state dictionary. The classes nested in IltBellcore are:
  • IltSNMP is the gathering class for the SNMP state dictionary. The classes nested in IltSNMP are:
    • IltSNMP.State   This class implements the SNMP primary state and its values.
    • IltSNMP.Interface   This class contains the definition of the MIB-II Interface Group states.
    • IltSNMP.IP   This class contains the definition of the states present in the MIB-II IP Group.
    • IltSNMP.TCP   This class contains the definition of the states present in the MIB-II TCP Group.
    • IltSNMP.UDP   This class contains the definition of the states present in the MIB-II UDP Group.
    • IltSNMP.EGP   This class contains the definition of the states present in the MIB-II EGP Group.
    • IltSNMP.ICMP   This class contains the definition of the states present in the MIB-II ICMP Group.
    • IltSNMP.SNMP   This class contains the definition of the states present in the MIB-II SNMP Group.
    • IltSNMP.System   This class models the MIB-II System Group.
  • IltSONET is the gathering class for the SONET state dictionary. The classes nested in IltSONET are:
    • IltSONET.State   This class implements the SONET primary states.
    • IltSONET.Protection   This class implements the SONET secondary states, also called protection switch request indicators.
  • IltMisc is the gathering class for the Misc state dictionary. The only class nested in IltMisc is:
    • IltMisc.SecState    This class implements the additional secondary states brought in by the Misc state dictionary.
  • IltPerformance is the gathering class for the Performance state dictionary. The only class nested in IltPerformance is:
    • IltPerformance.SecState This class implements the additional secondary states brought in by the Performance state dictionary.
  • IltSAN is the gathering class for the SAN state dictionary. The only class nested in IltSAN is:
    • IltSAN.SecState This class implements the additional secondary states brought in by the SAN state dictionary.
  • IltAlarm is the gathering class for the Alarm state dictionary. The classes nested in IltAlarm are:
    • IltAlarm.State    This class implements the alarm state of an object, with the number of new and acknowledged alarms of each severity, plus the Not Reporting and Loss Of Connectivity conditions.
    • IltAlarm.Severity   This class is not a state class. It is an extensible enumeration implementing the raw alarm severities known to JViews TGO.
    • IltAlarm.ImpactSeverity This class is not a state class. It is an extensible enumeration implementing the impact alarm severities known to JViews TGO.
  • IltTrap is the gathering class for the Trap state dictionary. The classes nested in IltTrap are:
    • IltTrap.State   This class implements the trap state of an object, with the number of new and acknowledged traps for each type of trap.
    • IltTrap.Type   This class represents the enumeration with the traps known to JViews TGO.
Composite state values, such as the OSI primary state triplet, or the Alarm collection of integers and Boolean values, are normal Java™ objects. All other state values are statically allocated Java objects implementing symbolic state values. They include:
  • The operational, usage, and administrative components of the OSI primary state.
  • The Bellcore, SONET, and SNMP primary states.
  • The OSI, Bellcore, SNMP, SONET, Performance, and Misc secondary states.
The names of the static data members storing the state values are listed in the tables in Lookup tables for state visuals.