Card carrier class

Card carrier objects are predefined business objects of the class IltCardCarrier which is also a container for shelf item objects. They allow you to associate more than one card with a single slot.
The IltCardCarrier class defines the following attributes:
  • Type —Specifies the category of a card carrier. There is one predefined type of card carrier, but it is possible to define other types.
    Name: type
    Value class: IltCardCarrier.Type
    Attribute: IltCardCarrier.TypeAttribute
  • Slot Count —Specifies the number of slots for the card carrier
    Name: slotCount
    Value class: Integer
    Attribute: IltCardCarrier.SlotCountAttribute
  • Direction —Specifies the direction of a card carrier. The possible values are IlpDirection.Right , IlpDirection.Left , IlpDirection.Top or IlpDirection.Bottom . The default value is Top . The card carrier direction affects the decorations that are attached to the object, such as label, alarm count and secondary states.
    Name: direction
    Value class: IlpDirection
    Attribute: IltCardCarrier.DirectionAttribute
  • Bottom Spacing —Specifies the size of the utility area in the card carrier, where the state and alarm information is displayed. The default value is 30 .
    Name: bottomSpacing
    Value class: Integer
    Attribute: IltCardCarrier.BottomSpacingAttribute