Overview of card carriers

Like a card, a card carrier can represent alarms and states graphically, with alarm balloons and colors defined by alarm severity. A card carrier is represented graphically as a rectangle with two distinct areas: a fixed-size utility area to represent alarm states and decorations and another area to represent equal-sized slots. (A card carrier does not support variable-width slots or slots in an array, but it is possible to set child objects with span.) The setBottomSpacing method allows you to customize the size of the utility area; the default size value is 30 .
You can set a label for a card carrier, but it will only be visible in the logical and tiny representations, not in the symbolic representation.
The utility area can be distinguished from the cards of the card carrier through a more marked 3D effect.
Shelf items are positioned within card carriers according to a single index. The index 0 denotes the slot at the opposite end of the utility area.
Like any other shelf item, you can set the direction of a card carrier. The default setting is Top . When the direction is set to Right , for example, the utility area is displayed on the left and the slots on the right.
Card carriers can appear very cramped when they concentrate lots of information in a small space. Therefore, it is important to design the right size of object to be able to accommodate all the graphic representations, such as secondary state icons, alarm balloons, and so forth.