Shelf class

Shelves are predefined business objects of the class IltShelf that are top-level containers in a hierarchy of predefined business objects used to model telecommunication equipment.
The IltShelf class defines the following attributes:
  • Type —Specifies the category of a shelf. There is one predefined type of shelf, but you can define new types.
    Name: type
    Value class: IltShelf.Type
    Attribute: IltShelf.TypeAttribute
  • Direction —Specifies the direction of a shelf. The possible values are IlpDirection. Right, IlpDirection. Left, IlpDirection. Top or IlpDirection. Bottom. The default value is Right , and corresponds to a shelf with slot numbers at the bottom. The shelf direction affects the slot numbering (ascending or descending), but not the slot number position, which is given by the setSlotNumsOnTop method of the IltShelf class.
    Name: direction
    Value class: IlpDirection
    Attribute: IltShelf.DirectionAttribute
  • Slot sizes —Specifies the width and height of each column and row of slots.
    Name: slotSizes
    Value class: IlpSlotSizes
    Attribute: IltShelf.SlotSizesAttribute
  • XSlotIndex —Specifies the initial number displayed to count the slots.
    Name: xslotindex
    Value class: java.lang.Integer
    Attribute: IltShelf.XSlotIndexAttribute