
The IlvPanInteractor component allows the user to click in the main view to pan the view. Just as for the IlvZoomInteractor, use the setInteractor method of IlvView to install the interactor. In the example, add another button that installs this interactor (see The IlvZoomInteractor JavaScript component). You now be able to switch from the “Pan” mode and the “Zoom” mode.
To be able to use the component, import the corresponding JavaScript™ file:
<script TYPE="text/javascript" 
Then add the following lines to the body of the page:
var panInteractor  = new IlvPanInteractor()
panbutton=new IlvInteractorButton(x+w+50, y+110, 63, 22, ’images/pan.gif’,
                                  panInteractor, view)
panbutton.setMessage(’click to set pan mode’)
panbutton.setToolTipText(’Pan Mode’)

The page now has one additional button labelled “Pan View”:
The example is now complete; it uses most of the JavaScript components provided by Rogue Wave® JViews.