Tooltip interactor

The tooltip interactor allows you to show customized tooltips when moving the mouse over graphic objects. Using Hitmap technology, the tooltip can be constructed and displayed on the client side without a round-trip to the server.
JViews provides a JavaServerâ„¢ Faces (JSF) component for this interactor. To use the tooltip interactor you must first insert the tooltip interactor tag into your JSF page.
To define one object, use the following tag:
<jvf:tooltipInteractor id="tooltipInteractor"/>
You can use the interactor in a <jvf:view> view as follows:
<jvf:view id="viewID" interactorId="tooltipInteractor" />
You can use the interactor in a <jvdf:mapView> view as follows:
<jvmf:mapView id="mapId" interactorId="tooltipInteractor" />
The tooltips are visible when you move your mouse over the graphic objects.
The tooltip interactor works with both a <jvf:view> and a <jvmf:mapView>.
map of the world with tooltip for Kuwait displayed which consists
of a blue table with white text containing status, population class,
country name, longitude and latitude for this country.
Example map showing tooltip
The method described in the previous section shows you how to use the tooltip interactor with a <jvf:view> and a <jvmf:mapView>. However, you might want to have both the pan interactor and the tooltip interactor working at the same time. The interactor group is designed for this purpose.
You can make two interactors work together as follows:
<jvf:tooltipInteractor id="tooltipInteractor"/>
 <jvf:panInteractor id="panInteractor" />
 <jv:interactorGroup id="panAndTooltip" interactors="panInteractor tooltipInteractor"/>
 <jvmf:mapView id="mapID" interactorId="panAndTooltip" hitmapLayers="Symbols" ... />
As shown in the previous example, for JViews Maps you must use the attribute hitmapLayers to determine which layers will generate the hitmap data and the hitmap information.

Using the tooltip template

The tooltip template allows easier tooltip styling with enhanced performance. To use the tooltip template, you must specify the value of the template attribute for the tooltip interactor, as shown in the following example.
<jvf:tooltipInteractor id="tooltipInteractor" template="tooltip_callback"/>
In order to work with the tooltip template feature, the tooltip data for the Hitmap information that you generated on the server must be in a valid JSON format. For example:
{'properties':'values','implementation':'workflow','name':'Graphics Framework','type':'workflow'},
For more information about Hitmap information customization, see Customizing Hitmap information.
There are two types of tooltip template: the HTML template and the JavaScript callback.

Using the HTML template

To use the HTML template, you can create the template as shown in the following example.
<jvf:tooltipInteractor id="tooltipInteractor" 
    template="<div style='background:#333399;font-size:70%;font-weight:bold;color:white;'>properties=<%properties%></div>" />
In the preceding code example, <%properties%> corresponds to the key of your JSON object generated from the server. This will be replaced by the value of the key of your JSON object when the tooltip is displayed.

Using the JavaScript callback

To use the JavaScript callback, you need to write the JavaScript callback to show the tooltip which will be invoked when the tooltip is displayed.
When writing your own JavaScript callback, there are two parameters for you to use in your callback function:
Name Description
view The view object.
index The index of the current graphic element.
The following code is a JavaScript callback sample which generates a dynamic tooltip.
<script type="text/javascript">
      function tooltip_callback(view, index) {
        var message = view.getHitInfos().tooltip[index]; //retrieve the tooltip message of current index
        var msg = '<table class=\'jviews_tooltip\'>';
        for(key in message){
            msg += '<tr class=\'jviews_tooltip_title\'><td>';
            msg += key;
            msg += '</td><td>' + message[key] + '</td></tr>';
        msg += '</table>';
          return msg;
After creating the JavaScript callback, you can write the following code to invoke it with the tooltip interactor:
<jvf:tooltipInteractor id="tooltipInteractor" template="tooltip_callback" />