The Hitmap Technology

Rogue Wave® JViews introduces a new interaction technology named Hitmap that considerably improves the responsiveness and the interactivity of JViews web applications. Hitmap technology enables you to provide pure client-side interaction capabilities in JViews web applications without requiring round-trips to the servers.
Highlighting and tooltips are typical interactions that you can perform using Hitmap technology. This section provides an overview of Hitmap technology.
For detailed instructions on how to perform highlighting and tooltips using Hitmap technology, see Highlight interactor and Tooltip interactor.


The web was originally designed as a text-oriented distributed hypertext environment. Providing rich interactive graphics on this platform is much in demand. However, this demand has not yet been met with a satisfying, simple, and unified solution.
Three approaches compete to provide rich interactive graphics on the web:
  • Proprietary plug-ins and extensions to the web protocols, such as Flash® , Java™ applets, and Silverlight™ .
  • Newer standards for web graphics, such as the Canvas HTML tag.
  • Thin-client technologies, where the web server generates the graphics and sends them as images. This is the approach on which JViews web technologies are based.
The main drawback of the thin-client approach is the limited interactivity it provides. Each time the user clicks or performs a graphical interaction, a round trip to the web server has to be made to provide an updated representation of the display. JViews introduces the Hitmap technology to improve this situation.
In the context of graphical thin-client web applications, Hitmap technology performs fast hit testing on arbitrary graphic objects, thereby enabling the application to associate application-related information to a point or an area designated on the screen.
For example, the following thin-client web application screen displays a user-editable workflow network:
workflow network
The image in the center is a bitmap generated by the server and displaying some network data. Without the Hitmap technology, clicking or hovering over a node to highlight this node and display related information requires sending to the server the coordinate of the point clicked, having the server compute the object that corresponds to this point, and returning a newly computed image representing the highlighted object (in orange), as well as the application data associated to this object (here, the phrase IlvSDMCompositeNode). This greatly reduces the interactivity and the responsiveness of the thin-client solution.
What would be preferable instead is a means to retrieve, inside the client web browser, the semantic data associated to the object and the boundaries of the object to highlight, and then to execute local scripts to perform the highlighting and tooltip display, or any appropriate feedback, locally.
The natural (trivial) approach to implementing such graphics-to-application domain mapping in graphical applications is to maintain a data structure of graphic objects (polygons, text areas, rectangles, icons, and so on) and to associate to each of those objects a pointer to application domain objects. Hence, when the mouse is pointed at a region of the application display, traversing this data structure allows the application to retrieve the intersecting objects and from them to retrieve the semantic data associated with them. While this approach is easy to implement and use in regular graphical user interfaces, it suffers some drawbacks in thin-client applications, which Hitmap technology resolves.
With Hitmap technology, the application defines a buffered and raster data structure that allows the application to reduce the computation cost when doing hit tests. The “color indices” in the associated bitmap do not represent real colors to display, but instead indices in an array of application data objects sent separately. Hence, this raster map embeds both the geometry of the graphic representations and the mapping to the related application objects. Because there are a limited number of objects that are useful to represent on the screen, the total number of “colors” used is very low and these images are highly compressible and very fast to generate. Thus, you can minimize the client-server bandwidth and extra server-side computation, while providing precise geometric description and application object mappings.
With Hitmap technology, the hit test and also the highlighting can be performed offline and do not cost a round-trip to the server. This gives JViews web applications excellent responsiveness and has a number of useful applications.

Data structure of the Hitmap

The Hitmap uses a raster data structure. Compared to the bitmap data structure that gives the color information of each pixel, the Hitmap data structure gives the hit test information of each pixel.
The set of pixels that have the same “color index” in the hitmap is called a region. A region consists of those pixels of a graphic object that are not hidden by other graphic objects.
For example, the following image shows two regions, coming from two graphic objects: a red line and a blue square.
technology data structure
The structure in the image on the left shows how the color information is represented. The structure in the image on the right shows the hit test information of the same bitmap, where the number 1 means that the pixel belongs to the first region (the blue square pixels that are not hidden by the red line) and the number 2 means that the pixel belongs to the second region (the red line).
You can consider a Hitmap as an indexed bitmap. Given the x and y coordinates of the mouse position, you can immediately tell to which graphic object the pixel belongs. This is why the hit test can be done extremely fast. Given the index of a region, you can easily find all pixels that belong to that region. This provides a fast way to highlight graphic objects.

How to generate the Hitmap

The Hitmap can be generated using the Java 2D™ drawing pipeline with a customized raster composite. Compared to a normal raster composite that writes pixel color information to the buffer when rasterizing graphic objects, the Hitmap composite writes the index of the graphic object being rendered to the raster buffer. Other 2D drawing pipelines can also be used to render Hitmaps.
For example, when rendering the red line shown in the preceding image, a normal raster composite marks the corresponding pixels as red. However, the Hitmap composite assigns the index of the red line, in this example 2, to the corresponding pixels.
The Hitmap generation is similar to normal painting but costs less in CPU time. Tests show that generating and compressing a Hitmap requires only 20% of the time consumed by the normal rendering and compressing of the same image.

How to associate application data to Hitmaps

When the server generates the Hitmap, it uses a corresponding table of application data objects. This table is kept and transmitted to the client software in addition to the bitmap and the Hitmap. JavaScript methods are provided (embedded in the client's HTML page) to retrieve the “pixel color” of a given point in response to a user mouse event, and from this “color” information, turn it into an integer (the region index) that is used to retrieve the application data associated with the area of the display on which the user clicked.
The following are examples of Hitmap use cases and applications:
  • Tooltips: the client software uses the Hitmap and the associated application data to locally construct and display tooltips. See Tooltip interactor.
  • Highlighting: the client software superimposes a semi-transparent bitmap on top of the original image sent by the server to create a highlight effect and provides feedback that the user has, for example, selected a node in a graph display. See Highlight interactor.
  • Keyboard navigation: The client software retrieves for each region some information containing references to four graphic objects. This information determines which graphic object the focus will be moved on to when the user presses a particular arrow key.
  • Cursor: The client software changes the cursor shape according to information that has been specified for each region.