Tiling the view

To implement tiling in the view you must specify the tile size. Other attributes, that is, the zoom levels and the dynamic or static layers, must be set to make tiling fully operational.
  1. Specifying the tile size
    To make tiling available in the view, you must specify a tile size. The tile size must be carefully chosen because it can have a considerable and potentially critical impact on performance. The larger the number of tiles needed because of their size, relative to the size of the view to be covered, the more simultaneous requests to be addressed to the image servlet. There will also be more graphic objects to manage on the client side.
    If a server-side caching mechanism is implemented, such as pregenerated tiles, the size must be consistent with the configuration of the server-side caching mechanism. See IlvTileManager for more details about server-side caching mechanisms.
    Setting the tile size parameter in JViews Maps
    <jvmf:mapView [...] tileSize="256"/>
    Setting the tile size parameter in JViews Diagrammer
    <jvdf:diagrammerView [...] tileSize="256"/>
    Setting the tile size parameter at the JViews Framework level
    <jvf:view [...] tileSize="256"/>
  2. Specifying the zoom levels
    Specify the zoomLevels attribute to allow the client to cache the tiles for predefined levels.
  3. Specify the dynamic and static layers
    Specify which layers are subject to changes (dynamic layers) and which layers are not supposed to change (static layers). Static layers can be tiled and cached.
    The staticLayersCount attribute allows you to specify how many layers at the bottom of the JViews JSF view component are static.
    Specifying static layers in JViews Maps
    The static and dynamic layer list is determined automatically by IlvFacesMapsServletSupport according to the value of the layer style property ThinClientBackground.
    Specifying static layers in JViews Diagrammer
    <jvdf:diagrammerView [...] staticLayersCount="3"/>
    Specifying static layers at the JViews Framework level
    <jvf:view [...] staticLayersCount="3"/>
    For more information on the use of tiling for building Web applications, see Tiling.