
The static layers are represented by a grid of images of a fixed size. These fixed-size images are referred to as tiles. Dynamic layers are represented by a single image with a transparent background overlaying the view.
A static layer is not supposed to change during the application lifecycle and so can be generated once only. Typically, a static layer is the background of the view, such as a background map.
A dynamic layer contains objects, such as symbols, that can move and change their graphic representation.
Dynamic layers must be placed on top of a static layer. Otherwise, they are not displayed.
The advantages of a tiled view are continuous panning and the capability of caching tiles. On the client side this avoids a round-trip to the server and gives a better response time. On the server side it allows the server to receive the request, retrieve the image, and respond with the image without having to generate it. Not having to generate the image for the response is especially advantageous in complex applications.