Controlling the display of the view

The boundingBox property specifies the area in manager coordinates represented by the view. This property can be used to set the initial visible area.
The changeBoundingBox property can be used during a JSF action to reset or modify the visible area.

JViews Maps

This section shows the use of the boundingBox and changeBoundingBox properties.
Setting the initial visible area of the view
The following code example shows how to control the initial display of the view.
<jvmf:mapView [...] boundingBox="0,0,100,200"/>
Resetting or changing the visible area of the view
The following code example shows how to reset or change the visible area of the view.
This code will only work in the JSF_CONTEXT (and not in the IMAGE_SERVLET_CONTEXT), since it requires the JSF cycle to refresh the whole page.
public class MapBean {

  public void changeBoundingBox() {
    IlvFacesMapsView jsfView = getJSFViewComponent();
    jsfView.setBoundingBox(new IlvRect(0,0,100,100));

JViews Diagrammer

This section shows the use of the boundingBox and changeBoundingBox properties.
Setting the initial visible area of the view
The following code example shows how to control the initial display of the view.
<jvdf:diagrammerView [...] boundingBox="0,0,100,200"/>
Resetting or changing the visible area of the view
The following code example shows how to reset or change the visible area of the view.
This code will only work in the JSF_CONTEXT (and not in the IMAGE_SERVLET_CONTEXT), since it requires the JSF cycle to refresh the whole page.
public class DiagrammerBean {

  public void changeBoundingBox() {
    IlvFacesDHTMLDiagrammerView jsfView = getJSFViewComponent();
    jsfView.setBoundingBox(new IlvRect(0,0,100,100));

At the JViews Framework level

This section shows the use of the boundingBox and changeBoundingBox properties.
Setting the initial visible area of the view
The following code example shows how to control the initial display of the view.
<jvf:view [...] boundingBox="0,0,100,200"/>
Resetting or changing the visible area of the view
The following code example shows how to reset or change the visible area of the view.
This code will only work in the JSF_CONTEXT (and not in the IMAGE_SERVLET_CONTEXT), since it requires the JSF cycle to refresh the whole page.
public class FrameworkBean {

  public void changeBoundingBox() {
    IlvFacesDHTMLView jsfView = getJSFViewComponent();
    jsfView.setBoundingBox(new IlvRect(0,0,100,100));
When you change the bounding box through back bean Java code, the changes take effect only in a JSF lifecycle, and can be seen only after the JSF page is fully or partially refreshed.