Google Maps JavaScript API V3 support

In earlier versions of JViews jvmf:googleView only worked with Googleâ„¢ Maps JavaScript API V2. (For more information about JavaScript API V2, see In JViews V8.8 or later jvmf:googleView works with both Google Maps JavaScript API V2 and V3. (For more information about JavaScript API V3, see
To choose the version of Google Maps JavaScript API, jvmf:googleView has a property called apiVersion. The default value of this property is v2 to maintain compatibility with earlier versions. To use V3 of the API, you can specify v3 in the apiVersion property as shown in the following example:
<jvmf:googleView apiVersion="v3" .... />
When you choose to use Google Maps JavaScript API V3, you have the ability to show tooltips when you hover over JViews static map layers as shown in the following figure.
Map showing state boundaries with a tooltip displaying a zip code
for a state with zip code 95454.
Google Map with tooltip displayed
With Google Maps JavaScript API V2, you must specify a key in jvmf:googleView. With V3 (JViews 8.8 or later) this key is no longer necessary.
Note that the controls property has a different syntax depending on the Google Maps JavaScript API version that you have chosen.