Converting SVG images to symbols

When you ungroup an SVG image, the Symbol Editor gives you access to all the objects contained in the graphic.
To ungroup the svgprogressbar symbol created in Importing a vector graphic:
  1. Open the svgprogressbar symbol.
    For more information, see Closing and opening symbols and palettes.
  2. Click the progressbar object.
  3. Select Edit>Ungroup.
An ungrouped SVG image
As shown in the figure above, the Symbol Outline pane shows all the objects contained in progressbar. When an SVG image is ungrouped, the Symbol Editor gives each object a name automatically. An ungrouped image is no longer in SVG or IVL format, it is a standard Rogue Wave® JViews symbol; the Image tab is no longer displayed in the Styling Customizer when the SVG root object is selected.