Generating a report for all symbols

Symbols are designed to be used by a chain of different tools, the Symbol Editor, the Dashboard Editor, the Designer and a variety of custom applications. The Symbol Editor reporting feature allows you to generate documentation from the palettes currently open in the Symbol Editor. The symbol report is generated in HTML format; it can be viewed either in the Symbol Editor, or, when a report is exported, in a standard Web browser.
The symbol report is based on the descriptions you wrote about the symbols and their parameters when they were created.
A symbol description
To view a symbol report:
  1. Open the palettes you want to document in the Symbol Editor.
  2. In the Symbol Palettes pane, right-click the header of the palette you want to document.
    A pop-up menu appears.
    The Reporting pop-up menu
  3. Select Reporting in the pop-up menu.
    The Palette and Symbols Report window opens.
The Palette and Symbols Report window
As shown in the figure above, the page opens to show an overview of all the symbols contained in the palette.
To see detailed information for a symbol:
  • Click the symbol name in the Palette and Symbols Report window.
A detailed report for a single symbol