The Oracle spatial reader and writer classes

The class diagram for the Oracle® spatial reader and writer is shown in Oracle Spatial Reader and Writer UML Diagram.
Oracle Spatial Reader and Writer UML Diagram
Oracle SDO, or Oracle Spatial, is the spatial extension of Oracle in its version 7.3. This extension has been renamed to Spatial Cartridge in the version 8.0 and has been renamed again to Oracle Spatial in the version 8i.
The classes are based on the relational implementation of Oracle Spatial available since Oracle 7.3. It contains classes that facilitate the use of map data (stored in an Oracle database) in a Rogue Wave® JViews application. Oracle Spatial allows you to store georeferenced objects in an Oracle database and to perform spatial queries, such as getting the list of objects that intersect a specific polygon.
Oracle has written two implementations of Oracle Spatial:
  • An implementation based on relational tables, available since Oracle 7.3.
  • An implementation based on the Object Relational model, available since Oracle 8i, which also contains the relational implementation of Oracle Spatial.
The Oracle reader of JViews Maps supports reading and writing data in the relational and the object relational model of Oracle Spatial through two different packages:
The Oracle Spatial Reader and Writer comprises the following classes:
The complete source code for an Oracle Reader demonstration can be found at <installdir> /jviews-maps89/samples/oracle/index.html.