Relational model classes

Classes for reading data from an Oracle spatial relational model database

The reader classes for Oracle® SDO relational model (package are:

The IlvSDOFeatureIterator class

The IlvSDOFeatureIterator class reads data from the result of an SQL query to a relational Oracle Spatial layer and converts them into IlvMapFeature objects. JViews Maps applications can handle Oracle Spatial data using this class in a transparent manner.
The following example of Java™ code performs a query, loading data from an Oracle Spatial layer named ROADS_SDOGEOM. It includes classes from the java.sql package:
String query = "SELECT * FROM ROADS_SDOGEOM ORDER BY 1, 2, 4 ";
Statement statement = getConnection().createStatement();
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);
IlvSDOFeatureIterator iterator = new IlvSDOFeatureIterator(resultSet);
The connection variable is a java.sql.Connection object.
The query orders the result using the following three criteria, which must be given in the order indicated:
  1. GID (Geometric ID)
  2. ESEQ (Element Sequence)
  3. SEQ (Row Sequence)
This ordering is necessary for the IlvSDOFeatureIterator to work correctly.
The ResultSet of any query to an Oracle Spatial layer can be used to initialize an IlvSDOFeatureIterator, but all the SDO columns must be in the resultSet (columns defining the GID, ESEQ, ETYPE, SEQ, and the coordinates).
The features returned by this iterator have no attributes. However, the GID of the Oracle Spatial geometry is used as the identifier of each feature and this identifier can be used to retrieve additional attributes from the database. See the method getId.

The IlvSDOLayer class

This class implements load-on-demand for a relational Oracle Spatial data source. The default implementation takes an Oracle Spatial layer for which a spatial indexation has been performed and reads its content with a tiling equivalent to the Oracle Spatial tiling.
The following example creates an IlvSDOLayer on an Oracle Spatial layer named ROADS:
IlvSDOConnection connection = new IlvSDOConnection(url, userName, password);
IlvSDOLayer layer = new IlvSDOLayer(connection, "ROADS");

The IlvSDOTileLoader class

This class offers additional possibilities when retrieving data from an Oracle Spatial database. These possibilities are meant as a supplement to the default behavior of IlvSDOLayer. For example, you may want to add filters to a layer or to have a tiling definition that is different than the Oracle tiling.
The example in the file <installdir> /jviews-maps89/samples/oracle/index.htmlshows how to implement a subclass IlvSDOTileLoader that uses spatial queries to retrieve data for a JViews Maps tile.

The IlvDefaultSDOTileLoader class

This class is a subclass of IlvSDOTileLoader and is used by the IlvSDOLayer. It has some optimizations. For example, the setTileGroupingCount method allows you to set the number of tiles that are grouped in one unique query to the database. In fact, each tile corresponds to a Spatial Query. If you have an average of n tiles to load each time you want to load on demand, you should use setTileGroupingCount(n), where all the n queries are grouped into one unique query that is sent to the database.
If you want to handle special operations on each IlvMapFeature retrieved in Load-On-Demand with the IlvSDOLayer layer, you have to subclass the IlvDefaultSDOTileLoader in order to override the getFeatureIterator() method. In this method, you have to return an instance of a subclass of IlvSDOFeatureIterator where you have overridden the getNextFeature() method (inside which you can perform your specific operations on each IlvMapFeature returned by the layer). Finally, you have to set your subclass of IlvDefaultSDOTileLoader as the tile loader of the layer.

Class for writing data to an Oracle spatial relational model database

The IlvSDOWriter class allows you to write map features into a relational Oracle Spatial database.

The IlvSDOWriter class

The IlvSDOWriter class can write any IlvMapFeatureIterator whose features have a geometry supported by the relational model of Oracle Spatial and write them to the database as in the following example:
IlvSDOWriter writer = 
   new IlvSDOWriter(connection.getConnection()
                   new IlvCoordinate(-360d, 90d), 
                   new IlvCoordinate(360d, -90d));
 // Creating a source feature iterator.
 IlvShapeFileReader reader = new IlvShapeFileReader(...);
 // Dumping its content to the Oracle layer.
The write() method of the IlvSDOWriter does not write the attributes of the features. If you want to write the attributes of the features, you can subtype the writeFeature() method of the IlvSDOWriter, after calling super.writeFeature(feature).
The geometries supported by the Oracle Spatial writer are: