
Declarations are key-value couples. The separator is a colon (:). Each declaration is terminated by a semicolon (;).
The key should represent a predefined graphic attribute (foreground, size, font, and so forth) and the value is a literal whose type depends on the key (such as red, 10pt, or serif). All key-value pairs are String. Enter values in single or double quotation marks, but use single quotation marks when the values contain nonalphanumeric characters.
Inside quoted declaration values, you can use Unicode characters in two ways:
  • If the CSS file starts with a line '@charset "UTF-8";' and the Unicode characters are printable, you can write or paste Unicode characters with UTF-8 encoding directly in the quoted strings.
  • You can include them using backslash escape syntax with hexadecimal digits.
    For example, \20AC is a Unicode escape sequence denoting the Euro sign. However, if the next character after the last digit in the escape sequence is an unrelated hexadecimal digit, you must insert a space before the next character, as a separator. So if you wanted to write €1000, you would enter \20AC 1000.