Loading the Molecule into the diagram component

You must define a project file to tell the diagram component to use the data source. The project file is an XML file called phenol-molecule.idpr. This file contains the class name of the data source, and also the path of the style sheet used to represent the molecule.
The following code example shows the project file contents.
The project file for the Molecule example
<diagrammer style="molecule.css">
  <datasource class="PhenolMoleculeDataSource"/>
To display the molecule, you can simply load the project file into the diagram component as follows:
Diagrammer.setDataFile(new URL("file:phenol-molecule.idpr"));
The sample uses the prebuilt class IlvDiagrammerApplication, so you do not see the call to setDataFile. Instead the project file is passed as a command-line argument to the application.