The style sheets

A style sheet is a .css file. It is referenced by a URL. The style sheet can load other style sheets using the import statement. A style sheet controls the mapping of data to a graphic representation through style rules conforming to the CSS level 2 syntax. It defines the way the objects of your data model will be translated to graphic objects.
The SDM engine accepts cascading style sheets (CSS). Cascading style sheets can be used to define several levels of customization. For example, different style sheets could be defined for a whole company, a group, and an individual user.
You can either write a style sheet by hand or create it using the Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer Designer. For example, if your final application loads a custom data model, you can still use the Designer to define the style of your diagram. All you need to do is to create a sample XML file containing objects with the same properties as your real data. Then, use the Designer to define the graphic style of your nodes and links. When you save your project, the Designer will create three files: a project file (.idpr), an XML file containing your sample data (.xml), and a CSS file containing all the styling information (.css). In your final application, you will only use the CSS file as explained next, and load your real data instead of the sample data used in the Designer.
Style sheets are usually suitable only for a particular data model. For example, if your data model describes a workflow process, it will contain such objects as activities, transitions between activities, and participants that carry on the activities. A style sheet for such a data model will have rules that match these particular object types and their properties to define the graphic look of the objects. So, a workflow style sheet will probably not work for another data model, because the objects will not have the same types and properties.
To assign a style sheet to the diagram component in Java™ , call the method setStyleSheet. This method takes an array of String with each element representing one style sheet. The array simulates the cascading of style sheets, where the last style sheets have a higher priority than the previous ones. The following code example shows an example with only one style sheet.
Setting the style sheet of a diagram component
String[] styleSheet = new String[] { "file:example.css" };
Alternatively, you can set the data source and the style sheet at the same time by loading a project file (see The project).
Style sheets can be cascaded, that is, concatenated with later style sheets having a higher priority than earlier ones. To cascade style sheets, use the addStyleSheet method, see the following code example.
Adding a cascaded style sheet to a diagram component
Diagrammer.addStyleSheet(new URL("file:cascaded.css"));
For details of the syntax of the style sheet and how to use it to customize nodes and links, see Using CSS syntax in the style sheet.
As well as the diagram component itself, you can customize its associated Swing user interface components through the style sheet. See User interface components for more details.