Listener for the views of a manager


When a view is attached or detached from a manager, a ManagerViewsChangedEvent event is fired by the manager. A class must implement the ManagerViewsChangedListener interface to be notified that an IlvManagerView has been attached or detached from the manager. This interface contains only the viewChanged method, which is called for each modification:
void viewChanged(ManagerViewsChangedEvent event)   
To be notified, a class implementing this interface must register itself using the following method of the class IlvManager:
void addManagerViewsListener(ManagerViewsChangedListener l)   


When the manager displayed by a view changes, as a result to a call to setManager on the view, the view fires a ManagerChangedEvent. A class must implement the ManagerChangedListener interface in order to be notified that the manager of the view has changed and must register itself on the view using the addManagerChangedListener method of the IlvManagerView. You can also specify that the listener no longer be notified of such events using the removeManagerChangedListener method.
When the manager of a view changes, the view calls the managerChanged method of the listeners.
void managerChanged(ManagerChangedEvent event)   
This method is called with an instance of the class ManagerChangedEvent as a parameter containing information on the new and the old manager.