Creating a manager and a view

The following code creates a manager and a view:
Frame frame= new Frame("JViews");
IlvManager mgr = new IlvManager();
IlvManagerView view = new IlvManagerView(mgr);
frame.add("Center", view);
The class IlvManagerView. is a subclass of the AWT class java.awt.Container. A manager view is visible when added to a parent container, that is an AWT Frame or a Swing JFrame. It becomes invisible when removed from a visible parent container.
To obtain a list of all the views attached to a manager, use the following IlvManager method:
Enumeration getViews() 
You may also retrieve and change the manager displayed by a particular view using the following methods of the class IlvManagerView:
IlvManager getManager() 
void setManager(IlvManager manager)