Setting properties in the Styling Customizer for couple nodes

With the new node.couple rule selected, you will set the status and date properties in the Styling Customizer.
To set properties for the couple nodes:
  1. Select the node.couple rule in the Style Rules pane.
  2. In the Parameters tab of the Styling Customizer, set the status to @status, as follows:
    • Right-click in the field.
    • Click Enter an Expression.
    • Delete the current value.
    • Select @status from the list of available expressions.
    • Press Enter.
  3. Set the start date to @startdate and the end date to @enddate in the same way.
  4. Press Enter.
You can see the diagram change as you work, see the following figure.
Customized couple nodes
The Couple symbol has been designed to change colors according to the status: green for married couples, black for divorced couples.
You can see that person nodes and couple nodes now look different to represent the semantics of the data. You can see your new rules in the node section of the Style Rules.