Symbol operations

To edit an existing symbol:
  • Select the symbol you want to edit and click the editsymbol.png button. The NATO Symbol Manager pane opens up directly for you to edit the symbol.
To delete a symbol:
  • Select the symbol you want to delete and click the deletesymbol.png button. You are asked to confirm the deletion.
To duplicate a symbol:
  • Select a symbol and click the defbldr_more136.gif button.
To hide or show a symbol or group:
  • Select a symbol or group and click the hidesymbol.png or showsymbol.png button. When hidden the symbol or group is unavailable in the symbology tree.
To move symbols
  1. You can drag and drop (move) groups and symbols from one group to another.
  2. You can also drag and drop a symbol from the symbol palette to the map (see Adding a new symbol from a palette.)