Managing map layers

A map layer is created automatically each time you import a data source using the File>Add Map Data command, or when you add a new orthodromy measure, terrain analysis, label, or grid. The layer is created automatically and placed in the Map Layers pane. For details of how to import a data source, see Importing a simple data source
The following figure shows an example of the Map Layers pane.
Map Layers
Map Layers pane
In the Map Layers pane you can carry out the following operations:
  • Expand/collapse the map layer hierarchy: select or deselect the Expand/Collapse button.
  • Drag and drop a layer or layers to another position in the list. Note that the layer at the bottom of the list is displayed at the top of the stack in the Map View.
  • Make a layer visible or invisible in the Map View: select or clear the layer check box.
  • Populate a layer in the Map Layers pane, see Populating a new layer or sublayer.
  • Set the dynamic styles for each layer, see Setting dynamic styles.
  • Set the properties for each layer, see Using the map style property sheet.


The following figure shows the pop-up menu available in the Map Layers pane.
Map Layers
pane pop-up menu
Map Layers pane pop-up menu
You can use this pop-up menu to: