Using the map style property sheet

The map style property sheet appears automatically when you select a layer in the Map Layers pane. The property sheet displayed depends on the type of layer selected, for example, the property sheet displayed for a Measures or Labels layer is different to that of a map layer. Each property sheet displays the properties of the selected map layer.
The properties correspond to Boolean values, lists, free text, and a set of editors.
To set Boolean values:
  • Click to the right of the corresponding property and select True or False.
To set a value from a list:
  • Click to the right of the corresponding property and select an item in the list.
To set a value with free text:
  • Click to the right of the corresponding property and enter a text string.
To set a value from an editor:
  • Click to the right of the corresponding property, click the editorbutton.png button, and set your values using the editor displayed.
To register property values:
  • Either click away from the property you have just set, or press the ENTER key.
    The following figure shows an example of a map style property sheet.
    Map layer
property sheet
    Map layer property sheet