APP-6a defense symbols

You can choose APP-6a defense symbols from a palette and add them to a map either programmatically or using mouse clicks. When you add symbols to a map, they are displayed in the Map View and also in any 3D Views, if they exist. Note however, that symbols are not saved when you save a map.
This Map Builder feature is mainly for demonstration purposes and for testing symbols by setting their properties, for example, their ID, position on the map, combat effectiveness, altitude and depth. This functionality is also available using the API, and symbol source code created in the Map Builder provides programmers with help in understanding how to use the available beans to create, remove, rename symbols and so on.
In a 2D view, Symbols are usually icons surrounded by various satellite text or indicators. In a 3D view, they are seen as two dimensional objects that are always facing the camera.
Symbols are created as a layer in the Map Layers pane and once added to the map, they can be selected and dragged to a new position on the map, deleted, edited and so on. In addition, you can define the symbol coordinates and decide whether the symbol must be visible or not.
For more information about creating symbols, placing them on maps, and saving them, see Using the Symbol Editorand Using the Designer