JViews Maps distribution structure

The following main directories are created when you install Rogue Wave JViews Maps on your machine.

Rogue Wave JViews Maps jar files

Here is the list of Rogue Wave JViews Maps jar files provided in the lib directory:
  • jviews-maps-all.jar - jar file that contains all of Rogue Wave JViews Maps.
These libraries use software internally that is provided under different public licenses. See <installdir> /license/notices.txt for more details.
In addition, Rogue Wave JViews Maps also uses some of the libraries provided by:
  • Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer. You can find more details in the JViews Diagrammer distribution structure.
  • Rogue Wave JViews Framework. You can find more details in the Rogue Wave JViews Framework distribution structure.
  • Here is the list of external jar files provided in the lib/external directory:
    • db2jcc-9.5.jar : IBM DB2 client connectivity driver
    • ifxjdbc-11.5.jar : IBM Informix database driver

Additional directories

The following main directories exist in the distribution:
  • data - example data in multiple formats.
  • doc - contains all the documentation related to Rogue Wave JViews Maps for Defense.
  • samples - JViews Maps samples to allow you to see particular aspects of the classes provided by Rogue Wave JViews Maps.
  • codefragments - JViews Maps code examples used in the documentation that illustrate aspects of Rogue Wave JViews Maps.
  • License - contains the license agreements and third party notices.