Graph layout classes available as beans

The following classes are provided as graph layout beans:
the graph layout bean representing a bus topology.
IlvBusLayout displays bus network topologies, that is, a set of nodes connected to a bus node.
the graph layout bean representing a circular (ring or star) topology.
IlvCircularLayout displays graphs representing interconnected ring and/or star network topologies.
the graph layout bean representing a grid topology of disconnected
I IlvGridLayout arranges disconnected nodes in rows or in columns or on a grid.
the graph layout bean representing a hierarchical topology with nodes
arranged in levels and links flowing in a uniform direction.
I IlvHierarchicalLayout arranges nodes in horizontal or vertical levels such that the links flow in a uniform direction.
the graph layout bean representing orthogonal link layout (the default).
I IlvLinkLayout reshapes the links of a graph without moving the nodes.
the graph layout bean representing nodes arranged randomly within
an area.
I IlvRandomLayout moves the nodes of the graphs at randomly computed positions inside a user-defined area.
the topological mesh bean for laying out cyclic graphs.
IlvTopologicalMeshLayout can be used to lay out cyclic graphs.
the tree layout bean for laying out a horizontal or vertical tree
IlvTreeLayout arranges the nodes of a tree horizontally or vertically, starting from the root of the tree.
the uniform-length edges bean for laying out a graph with your preferred
link length.
IlvUniformLengthEdgesLayout can be used to lay out any type of graph and allows you to specify a preferred length of the links.
the bean displaying the progress bar for the layout process.
IlvJGraphLayoutProgressBar a Swing JProgressBar toolbar that automatically displays the progress of the layout process.
The beans listed in this topic are classes of the graph layout API.
If you want to use graph layout integrated in a diagram component, it is better to use Rogue Wave® JViews Diagrammer beans. See JViews Diagrammer classes available as beans in Using the Designer.