Overview of saving

To understand saving better, read section Using the graph model first.
There are many ways to store your graph and your layout parameters:
  • Diagram components use XML files for the data and CSS files for the rendering parameters.
  • Diagram components can use a database.
  • Graphers can be stored in . ivl files.
This topic deals only with . ivl files. It is not relevant for applications that use XML files, CSS files, or databases.
Layout parameters are stored in the layout classes directly, not in the IlvGrapher . The advantage of this is that the layout parameters are independent of the graph model. However, the disadvantage is that a layout parameter setting is lost whenever a graph is saved to an .ivl file and reloaded later. To overcome this disadvantage, the IlvGrapherAdapter class allows you to transfer the graph layout settings to instances of IlvNamedProperty that can be stored in .ivl files and to recover the settings from these named properties at a later time, see Save parameters to named properties.
The following method indicates whether a layout class supports this mechanism:
It returns true if the layout class can transfer the parameter settings to named properties.