Instantiating and attaching a subclass of IlvLabelLayout

The class IlvLabelLayout is an abstract class. It has no constructors. You will instantiate a subclass as shown in the following example:
IlvAnnealingLabelLayout layout = new IlvAnnealingLabelLayout();
In order to place labels, a manager needs to be attached to the layout instance. The following method, defined on the class IlvLabelLayout , allows you to specify the manager you want to lay out:
void attach(IlvManager manager)  
For example:
IlvManager manager = new IlvManager();
/* Add obstacles and labels to the manager here */
The attach method does nothing if the specified manager is already attached. If a different manager is attached, this method first detaches this old manager, then attaches the new one. You can obtain the attached manager using the method getManager . If the manager is attached in this way, a default labeling model is created internally. The labeling model can be obtained by:
IlvLabelingModel labelingModel = layout.getLabelingModel();
It is not allowed to attach any such model created internally to any other layout instance.
After layout, when you no longer need the layout instance, you should call the method
void detach()   
If the detach method is not called, some objects may not be garbage-collected. This method also performs cleaning operations on the manager (properties that may have been added by the layout algorithm on objects of the manager.