The label layout base class and its subclasses

The IlvLabelLayout class is the base class for all label layout algorithms. This class is an abstract class and cannot be used directly.

Subclasses of IlvLabelLayout

There are currently two subclasses:
You can also create your own subclasses to implement other label layout algorithms.
The label layout renderer always uses the IlvAnnealingLabelLayout. You can use IlvRandomLayout or your own label layout algorithm when you write Java™ code.
It is not possible to use IlvRandomLayout or your own label layout algorithm in a diagram component based on CSS styling.
Despite the fact that only subclasses of IlvLabelLayout are directly used to obtain the layouts, it is still necessary to learn about this class because it contains methods that are inherited (or overridden) by its subclasses. And, of course, you will need to understand it if you subclass it yourself.
UML diagram
showing IlvLabelLayout, its subclasses, and IlvLabelLayoutReport
The class IlvLabelLayout and its subclasses and relationship to layout reports