For experts: attaching graph and labeling models

If a graph model is attached to the Multiple Layout instance, the same graph model is automatically attached to the sublayouts of type IlvGraphModel. For the sublayout of type IlvLabelLayout , a default labeling model is used when possible ( IlvDefaultLabelingModel , see Labels and obstacles in Java). This works if the nodes, links, and labels are stored in an IlvGrapher .
If you implement your own labeling model (subclass of IlvLabelingModel ), you can force the Multiple Layout to use this labeling model instead of the default labeling model. Before you attach the graph model, you call the method setLabelingModel in the following way:
You must specify the labeling model in this way if your nodes, links, and labels are not stored in an IlvGrapher but in your own data structures, because the default labeling model is designed to handle only an IlvGrapher .
If the Multiple Layout instance is detached from the graph model, all sublayouts are automatically detached as well.