Position index parameter (HL)

In Step 2 of the layout algorithm (the crossing reduction phase), the nodes are ordered within the levels. All nodes that belong to the same level get a position index starting from 0. For instance, when the flow direction is to the bottom, the node with the position index 0 is placed in the leftmost position within its level. The nodes with a larger position index are placed farther to the right than the nodes with a smaller position index in the same level. The nodes of different levels are independent. The node of the first level with the position index 0 is to the left of the node of the first level with the position index 1, but not necessarily to the left of a node of another level with position index 0. Long links crossing a level also obtain a position index (see Level and position indexes). The layout algorithm calculates these position indexes automatically.
You can affect how the nodes are positioned within each level by specifying the position index of some nodes. The nodes are placed at the specified position within their level.
To specify the position index of a node in Java™ , use the method:
void setSpecNodePositionIndex(Object node, int index)   
The default value is -1 . If the default value is used, if a node is set to a negative position index, or if a node is set to a position index that is larger than the number of nodes of its level, the layout automatically calculates an appropriate position index during the crossing reduction step.
To obtain the current position index of a node, use the method:
int getSpecNodePositionIndex(Object node)