Layout constraints for HL

The Hierarchical Layout algorithm supports relative position constraints on nodes. Such a constraint is a rule on how a particular node (or a group of nodes) must be placed with respect to the other nodes. The constraints influence the relative positions. For example, you can force node A to be on the left side of node B , so the position of A is expressed relative to the position of B . It is theoretically possible to specify contradicting constraints: if you specify that node A must be on the left side of B and B must be on the left side of A , then these constraints are not solvable at the same time. If A is on the left side of B , then B must be on the right side of A . The Hierarchical Layout algorithm tries to detect and resolve constraint conflicts automatically. It ignores those constraints that are infeasible. Since the automatic constraint resolution is time consuming, it is recommended to specify nonconflicting constraints when possible.
Constraints must be used only if the incremental mode is disabled. In fact, the incremental mode is implemented with additional constraints that are added internally. Hence, if you use constraints during the incremental mode, it is likely that the system detects so many constraint conflicts that you get unexpected results.
Constraints must be used carefully. The more constraints are specified, the more difficult it is to calculate a layout. Therefore, this resulting layout can have more link crossings and be less balanced than a graph with no constraints.
Each type of constraint is represented by a subclass of IlvHierarchicalConstraint . The following constraint types are available:
Forces a node into a range of certain levels
Forces two nodes to the same level.
Forces a node to a lower/higher level than another node.
Forces a group of nodes on levels that are no more than a specified spread value apart.
Forces a node to a lower/higher position than another node of the same level.
Forces two nodes of the same level to be placed side by side.
Forces a node to the first or last level, or to the first or last position within a level.
Forces a group of nodes into the same rectangular swimlane area.