Alternating radial mode

If levels of the graph contain many nodes, it is sometimes necessary to increase the radius of the circular level to provide enough space on the circumference of the circle for all the nodes. It can result in a considerable distance from the previous level. To avoid it, there is an alternating radial mode. Alternating radial mode places the nodes of a level alternating between two circles instead of one circle, resulting in better use of the space of the layout.
Alternating radial mode uses two circles only when necessary. For many small and light trees, there is no difference from normal radial mode. Alternating radial mode affects only large graphs with many child nodes.
To set alternating radial layout mode:
Specify in the GraphLayout section:
In Java
Call the method:
of tree layouts illustrating the radial layout mode and the alternating
radial layout mode
Radial layout mode (right) and alternating radial layout mode (left)