Spacing parameters

The spacing of the layout is controlled mainly by three spacing parameters: the distance between a parent and its child nodes, the minimum distance between siblings, and the minimum distance between nodes of different branches. For example, if the flow direction is to the top or bottom, the offset between parent and child nodes is vertical; the sibling offset and the branch offset are horizontal.
For tip-over alignment, an additional spacing parameter is provided: the minimum distance between branches starting at a node with tip-over alignment. This offset is always orthogonal to the normal branch offset. If the flow direction is to the top or bottom, the tip-over branch offset is vertical.
Two graphs
showing the use of spacing parameters
Spacing parameters
To specify the spacing parameters:
Specify in the GraphLayout section:
parentChildOffset: "30.0";
siblingOffset: "15.0";
branchOffset: "20.0";
tipOverBranchOffset: "30.0";
In Java
In Java™ , use the methods:
void setParentChildOffset(float offset);   
void setSiblingOffset(float offset);   
void setBranchOffset(float offset);   
void setTipOverBranchOffset(float offset);   
Associate nodes that have a tip-over-associate child alignment use special spacing parameters: the associate offset is the distance between the associate node and the center line that starts at the parent node. The parent child offset is the distance between the parent node and the first associate node.
showing spacing parameters for offsetting child node alignments.
Spacing of child alignments
To specify the associate spacing parameters:
Specify in the GraphLayout section:
parentChildAssociateOffset: "20.0";
associateOffset: "25.0";
In Java
Use the methods:
void setParentChildAssociateOffset(float offset);
void setAssociateOffset(float offset);

For experts: additional spacing parameters

The spacing parameters normally specify the minimum offsets between the node borders. Hence, the layout algorithm places the nodes such that they do not overlap. You can also specify that the layout must ignore the node sizes.
Add to the GraphLayout section:
respectNodeSizes: "false";
In Java
In Java, call:
layout.setRespectNodeSizes (false);
In this case, the spacing parameters are interpreted as the minimum distances between the node centers, and the node sides are not taken into account during the layout. However, if the specified offset parameters are now smaller than the node size, the nodes and links overlap. It often happens with orthogonal links in particular. It makes sense to use this option only if all nodes have approximately the same size, all links are straight, and the spacing parameters are larger than the largest node.
If the link style is orthogonal, the shape of the links from the parent to its child nodes looks like a fork (see Different alignments mixed in the same drawing). The position of the bend points in this shape can be influenced by the orthogonal fork percentage, a value 0 - 100 . It is a percentage of the parent-child offset. If the orthogonal fork percentage is 0 , the link shape forks directly at the parent node. If the percentage is 100 , the link shape forks at the child node. A good choice is 25 - 75 . This percentage can be set.
Add a statement such as:
orthForkPercentage: "66.6";
In Java
Use the method:
void setOrthForkPercentage(float percentage);   
If the link style is not orthogonal, links can overlap neighboring nodes. It happens only in a few cases, for example, when a link starts at a small node that is neighboring a large node. This deficiency can be fixed by increasing the branch offset. However, it influences the layout globally, affecting nodes without that deficiency. To avoid a global change, you can change the overlap percentage instead, which is a value 0 - 100. This value is used by an internal heuristic of the layout algorithm that considers a node to be smaller by this percentage. The default percentage is 30 . It results usually in better usage of the space. For small nodes neighboring large nodes, you are recommended to decrease the overlap percentage or to set it to 0 . By taking this action, you disable this heuristic and avoid links overlapping nodes.
To set the overlap percentage: :
Add a statement such as:
overlapPercentage: "33.3";
In Java
Use the method:
void setOverlapPercentage(float percentage);   
Always set the orthogonal fork percentage to a value larger than the value of the overlap percentage.
of tree Llayouts illustrating the overlap percentage parameter
Effect of using the overlap percentage