The Options menu

The Options menu contains action, editing, and display options.
The Options menu
It allows you to define the following options:

Sticky Actions

When this option is ON, the last command remains active until a new command is triggered. This is useful when performing repetitive commands.
When this option is OFF, the modeler brings back the Select command after each action.

Auto-Edit Labels

When this option is ON, you are asked to enter object labels (for instance the name of a task) as they are added to the diagram.
When this option is OFF, the labels are edited either through the Properties View (see Properties view), or by selecting the Edit Label command (see The Document toolbar).

Grid Spacing

This option allows you to change the grid spacing. The grid is set ON/OFF through the Grid option on the View menu. See The View menu.

Allow Resizing

When this option is ON, the elements of the diagram can be resized manually. The selected objects are displayed in a selection rectangle with resizing handles.
When this option is OFF, the size of the elements of the diagram are automatically determined to ensure that the label text fits the elements. Subprocesses cannot be resized manually; their size depends on the size and position of their elements.