Coordinate System Editor

The Coordinate System Editor bean is represented by the IlvJCoordinateSystemEditorPanel class. This bean enables users to set the coordinate system used to display a map view.
An example of the Coordinate System Editor is shown in Coordinate System Editor .
Coordinate System Editor

Including the bean in an application

To include the Coordinate System Editor in your application, you first need to create the panel:
IlvJCoordinateSystemEditorPanel csPanel = new 
To display the current coordinate system of the view in the bean, retrieve the IlvCoordinateSystemProperty property:
Then, you should add a listener to the bean that updates the coordinate system of the view when the bean changes, retrieving the new value selected by the user:
csPanel.addCoordinateSystemChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
  public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {

Adding the bean to a Swing hierarchy

You can then add this bean to your Swing hierarchy.
panel.add(dataSourcePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

Customizing the appearance and behavior

To configure the Coordinate System Editor as a simple projection choice combo-box, you can disable the Advanced Property panels. For example: