Legend panel

The Legend panel bean is represented by the IlvMapLegendPanel class. This bean enables users to create a legend to define map elements.
An example of the Legend panel bean is shown in Legend panel bean .
Legend panel bean

Including the bean in an application

To include the Legend panel bean in your application, write the following lines of code:
IlvMapLegendPanel legend = new IlvMapLegendPanel();

Adding the bean to a Swing container

You can then add this bean into the Swing hierarchy of your application:
panel.add(legend, BorderLayout.EAST);
The Legend panel bean then attaches itself and listens to the IlvMapLayerTreeProperty property of the manager of the view. Whenever a layer is changed in the underlying IlvMapLayerTreeModel, the legend updates itself.

Customizing the appearance and behavior

If you do not want an automatic JScrollPane around your legend, you can use:
IlvMapLegend legend = new IlvMapLegend ();
The Legend panel uses the properties of maplayers to retrieve the IlvMapStyle.CATEGORY and IlvMapStyle.LEGEND_GROUP string properties (for details of these properties, see Common styling properties).
By default (when these values are null), each map layer has its own line in the legend. The user can override this by setting identical values in the Category or Legend Group fields.
Layers are ordered according to their legend group (all layers with the same legend group are displayed together, inside the same frame).
When layers share the same legend group and category, they are displayed on a single legend line – possibly with more than one legend caption to display all the different aspects this legend item can have.