Adding a Property pane

The class IlvDashboardPropertyPanel contains a Swing JTable that displays the properties of objects selected in the diagram. Use the property sheet to view and edit the properties of a background object or the parameters of a symbol.
An IlvDiagrammerPropertyPanel
The following code example shows how to add an IlvDashboardPropertyPanel to a dashboard application.
Adding an IlvDashboardPropertyPanel instance to a dashboard application
url = IlvDiagrammerPropertySheet.class.getResource("images/psheet.gif");
    icon = new ImageIcon(url);
IlvDashboardPropertyPanel ppanel = new IlvDashboardPropertyPanel(this);

IlvDashboardExpandablePane psheetFrame = 
      new IlvDashboardExpandablePane("Property Sheet", icon, ppanel);
IlvDashboardExpandableSplitPane split = new IlvDashboardExpandableSplitPane(treeFrame, psheetFrame);