Coordinate systems supported

The Map Builder supports the following coordinate systems:
  • Geographical
  • Albers Equal Area
  • Azimuthal Equidistant
  • Cassini
  • Cylindrical Equal Area
  • Eckert IV and Eckert VI
  • Equidistant Cylindrical Projection
  • French Lambert
  • Gnomonic
  • Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area, Lambert Conformal Conic, and Lambert Equal Area Conic
  • Mercator, Oblique Mercator, and Transverse Mercator
  • Miller Cylindrical
  • Mollweide
  • Orthographic
  • Polyconic
  • Robinson
  • Sinusoidal
  • Stereographic
  • Universal Polar Stereographic and Universal Transverse Mercator
  • Wagner IV
For information about projections, see Coordinate systems and Setting coordinate systems.