Coordinate systems

You can set your map coordinate system using one of two ways:

Coordinate system tab

The coordinate system enables you to set the type of projection that you want to apply to your map and the projection properties. The current projection is displayed in a pane in the Map Builder under the Coordinate System tab. You can change the projection at anytime.
For example, you may want to display your maps using the UTM Zone6 coordinate system, which is a transverse mercator projection centered at 147˚W, with a false easting, and which uses the GRS80 ellipsoid and North American 1983 (CONUS) datum. These parameters are available by selecting the Advanced settings in the Coordinate System pane.
A coordinate system is presented as a projection and parameters, plus its datum and ellipsoid as shown in the following figure.
System pane
Coordinate System pane

Predefined Coordinate System pane

The Predefined Coordinate Systems pane (choose Options>Predefined Coordinate Systems to display this pane) lists all the known systems and settings that are normally used. The list is built on an historical and country basis. The Predefined Coordinate Systems pane also provides a preview of the selected coordinate system. Note that when you set the coordinate system from this pane, it is automatically updated in the Coordinate System pane.
The following figure shows an example of a Predefined Coordinate System pane.
Coordinate System pane
Predefined Coordinate System pane
For more information, see Setting coordinate systems.