Setting map properties

To set map properties:
  1. Expand the ESRI/Shape branch and select the World_Countries.shp layer in the Map Layers pane to display the corresponding map style property sheet below it.
  2. Scroll down the properties in the map style property sheet and select the Visible in Overview property and check that the value is False so that this data source is not displayed in the Overview pane.
  3. Click in the right column of the Line Color property in the map style property sheet, click the editorbutton.png button, set the Line Color value to white using the Color Editor displayed and click Apply.
    The following figure shows the resulting Map View pane.
    Setting the map outline color
  4. Select the Filled property in the map style property sheet and set the value to False.
    The following figure shows the resulting map relief.
    Setting the map relief