Adding data to a particular state

Zooming in on California

  • Click the zoomrect.png button on the toolbar and draw a rectangle around the California area to zoom in on it. If necessary, zoom in again to enlarge the map more.

Adding altitude information

  1. Choose File>Add Map Data to open the file browser, select the GTOPO30-DEM format, and then select the drive where you downloaded and saved your data. For example, select the data source W140N40.DEM , and then choose Open.
    The following figure shows the resulting Map View pane
    The Data Source GTOPO30-DEM W140N40-DEM
  2. Select the Preferences tab and set the Distances property to International Statute Mile, the Altitudes property to International Foot, and the Coordinates property to UTM.
  3. Select the Map Layers tab to redisplay the pane and then click the fittoview.png button to display the whole map in the Map View pane.
    The following figure shows the resulting Map View pane.
    The data source GTOPO30-DEM W140N40-DEM