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Diagrammer > Programmer's documentation > Using graph layout algorithms > Layout algorithms > Generic parameters and features
Generic parameters and features
Describes the support for generic features and parameters provided by each layout algorithm.
*Support by algorithms of generic features and parameters
*Describes the support for generic features and parameters provided by each layout algorithm.
*Base class parameters and features
*Describes the generic features and parameters for customizing graph layout algorithms.
Support by algorithms of generic features and parameters
The generic features and parameters of graph layout described in Base class parameters and features allow you to customize the behavior of the layout algorithms to meet specific needs and to perform useful operations such as saving the layout parameters in a file.
The following table indicates the generic features and parameters that are supported by each layout algorithm. These parameters are defined in the base class for all layout algorithms, IlvGraphLayout.
Generic parameters supported by layout algorithms
Layout Algorithm
Recursive Layout
Multiple Layout
Allowed Time
Fixed Links
Fixed Nodes
Layout of Connected Components
Layout Region
Link Clipping
Link Connection Box
Spline Routing
Memory Savings
Percentage Complete
Random Generator Seed Value
Save Parameters to File
Stop Immediately
1 Only if the sublayouts contained in the Multiple or Recursive layout support it.
Topological Mesh Layout
Uniform Length Edges
Tree Layout
Hierarchical Layout
Link Layout
Random Layout
Bus Layout
Circular Layout
Grid Layout
Base class parameters and features
The IlvGraphLayout class defines a number of generic features and parameters. These features and parameters can be used to customize the layout algorithms.
Although the IlvGraphLayout class defines the generic parameters, it does not control how they are used by its subclasses. Each layout algorithm (that is, each subclass of IlvGraphLayout ) supports a subset of the generic features and determines the way in which it uses the generic parameters. When you create your own layout algorithm by subclassing IlvGraphLayout, you decide whether you want to use the features and the way in which you are going to use them.
The IlvGraphLayout class defines the following generic features:
*Allowed time
*Animation (ULEL)
*Automatic layout
*Coordinates mode
*Layout of connected components
*Layout region
*Link clipping
*Link connection box
*Spline routing
*Memory savings
*Percentage of completion calculation
*Preserve fixed links
*Preserve fixed nodes
*Random generator seed value
*Save parameters to named properties
*Stop immediately
*Use default parameters
Support by algorithms of generic features and parameters provides a summary of the generic parameters supported by each layout algorithm. If you are using one of the subclasses provided with the graph layout API, check the documentation for that subclass to know whether it supports a specific parameter and how it interprets the parameter.
Allowed time
Several layout algorithms can be designed to stop computation when a user-defined time specification is exceeded. It can be done for different reasons: for security to avoid a long computation time on large graphs, or as an upper limit for algorithms that iteratively improve a current solution and have no other criteria to stop the computation.
Example of specifying allowed time
To specify that the layout is allowed to run for 60 seconds:
Add to the GraphLayout section:
allowedTime: "60000";
In Java
The time is in milliseconds. The default value is 32000 (32 seconds).
If you subclass IlvGraphLayout, use the following method to know whether the specified time was exceeded:
boolean isLayoutTimeElapsed()
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports this mechanism, use the method:
boolean supportsAllowedTime()
The default implementation returns false. A subclass can override this method to return true to indicate that this mechanism is supported.
Some iterative layout algorithms can optionally redraw the graph after each iteration or step. This may create a pleasant animation effect and may be used to keep the user aware of the evolution of the layout computation by showing intermediate results (as a kind of progress bar). However, this increases the duration of the layout because additional redrawing operations need to be performed.
Example of specifying animation
To specify that the layout animation is enabled:
Add to the GraphLayout section:
animate: "true";
In Java
Layout animation is disabled by default.
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports this mechanism, use the method:
boolean supportsAnimation()
The default implementation returns false. A subclass can override this method to return true to indicate that this mechanism is supported.
NOTE Layout animation shows the intermediate steps of the layout algorithm. If you need such animation only to show how the graph before layout transforms into the graph after layout, use the animation renderer of SDM instead. In this case, the intermediate steps of the layout algorithm are not shown, but after the layout is completed, the nodes and links are moved smoothly from the old positions to the new positions.
Automatic layout
For some layout algorithms, it may be suitable to have the layout automatically performed again after each change of the graph, that is, when a node or link moves, is added, or is removed. Automatic layout is most useful for link layouts, in a situation where the shape of the links must remain optimal after each editing action of the end-user. It also works well with other layout algorithms that offer an incremental behavior, that is, for which a small change of the graph usually produces only a small change of the layout. Automatic layout is generally not suitable for non-incremental layout algorithms.
Example of automatic layout
To enable automatic layout:
Add to the GraphLayout section:
autoLayout: "true";
In Java
The following hints are important when programming in Java on an IlvGrapher instance:
*Automatic layout works well if the IlvGrapher instance is not attached to other layouts. If multiple layouts are used for the same IlvGrapher instance, they may mutually affect each other. In this case, it is recommended to disable automatic layout.
*The following example shows how to perform multiple changes all at the same time in the IlvGrapher instance when automatic layout is enabled. Automatic layout is performed only once at the end of all the changes:
// switch the notification of changes off
try {
    // ... perform multiple changes without any automatic layout
} finally {
    // now the grapher notifies layout about the changes:
    // therefore, only one automatic layout is performed
For more information about automatic layout, see the method performAutoLayout in the Java API Reference Documentation.
Coordinates mode
The geometry, that is, the position and size, of the graphic objects that are used to represent nodes and links in an IlvGrapher instance is subject to a transformer ( IlvTransformer). By default, the layout algorithms consider the geometry of the nodes and links of an IlvGrapher in a coordinate space that is appropriate for most cases. In some situations, it can be useful to specify a different coordinate space. For details, see Choosing the layout coordinate space.
Example of specifying coordinate space
To specify, for instance, the view coordinate space:
Add to the GraphLayout section:
coordinatesMode: "VIEW_COORDINATES";
In Java
Use the method:
void setCoordinatesMode(int mode)
The valid values for the coordinates mode are:
The geometry of the graph is computed using the coordinate space of the manager (that is, the attached IlvGrapher ) without applying any transformation.
Use this mode:
*if you visualize the graph at zoom level 1, or
*if you do not visualize it at all, or
*if the grapher contains only fully zoomable objects.
In all these cases, there is no need to take the transformer zoom level into account during the layout.
In this mode, the dimensional parameters of the layout algorithms are considered specified in manager coordinates.
The geometry of the graph is computed in the coordinate space of the manager view. More exactly, all the coordinates are transformed using the current reference transformer.
This mode should be used if you want the dimensional parameters of the layout algorithms to be considered as being specified in manager view coordinates.
The geometry of the graph is computed using the coordinate space of the manager view and then applying the inverse transformation. This mode is equivalent to the “manager coordinates” mode if the geometry of the graphic objects strictly obeys the transformer, that is, the objects are fully zoomable. (A small difference may exist because of the limited precision of the computations.)
On the contrary, if some graphic objects are either nonzoomable or semizoomable (for example, links with a maximum line width), this mode gives different results from the manager coordinates mode. These results are optimal if the grapher is visualized using the same transformer as the one taken into account during the layout.
In this mode, the dimensional parameters of the layout algorithms are considered specified in manager coordinates.
In CSS, you omit the prefix IlvGraphLayout when specifying the value of the coordinates mode (see Example of specifying coordinate space).
The default mode is INVERSE_VIEW_COORDINATES .
See also Specifying the mode for layout coordinates.
Layout of connected components
The base class IlvGraphLayout provides generic support for the layout of a disconnected graph (composed of connected components).
For details, see Laying out connected components of a disconnected graph.
Example of layout
To enable the placement of disconnected graphs:
Add to the GraphLayout section:
layoutOfConnectedComponentsEnabled: "true";
In Java
NOTE Some of the layout classes ( IlvHierarchicalLayout, IlvCircularLayout ) have a built-in algorithm for placing connected components. This algorithm is enabled by default and fits the most common situations. For these layout classes, the generic mechanism provided by the base class IlvGraphLayout is disabled by default.
When enabled, a default instance of the class IlvGridLayout is used internally to place the disconnected graphs. If necessary, you can customize this layout.
Example of customizing layout
To customize this layout:
Add to the GraphLayout section:
layoutOfConnectedComponents: "@#GridLayout";
and add a new section for the definition of the layout used to place the disconnected graphs, including statements for the parameters you want, for instance:
Subobject#GridLayout {
    class: "ilog.views.graphlayout.grid.IlvGridLayout";
    layoutMode: "TILE_TO_ROWS";
    topMargin: "20";
In Java
IlvGridLayout gridLayout = new IlvGridLayout();
Example for experts
The various capabilities of the class IlvGridLayout cover most of the likely needs for the placement of disconnected graphs. If necessary, you can write your own subclass of IlvGraphLayout to place disconnected graphs and specify it instead of IlvGridLayout :
Add to the GraphLayout section:
layoutOfConnectedComponents: "@#MyGridLayout";
and add a new section to define the layout used to place disconnected graphs, including statements for the parameters you want, for instance:
Subobject#MyGridLayout {
    class: "mypackage.MyGridLayout";
    // settings for MyGridLayout, if necessary
In Java
MyGridLayout myGridLayout = new MyGridLayout();
// settings for myGridLayout, if necessary
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports this mechanism, use the method:
boolean supportsLayoutOfConnectedComponents()
The default implementation returns false. You can write a subclass to override this behavior.
Layout region
Some layout algorithms can control the size of the graph drawing and can take into account a user-defined layout region.
Example of specifying layout region
To specify a region of 100 by 100:
If you work with style sheets, you can specify the layout region as a rectangle, for instance:
layoutRegion: "0,0,100,100";
The above CSS statement sets the layout region to the rectangle with the top-left corner at coordinates 0,0 and width and height at 100.
In Java
layout.setLayoutRegion(new IlvRect(0,0,100,100));
Besides, the method
void setLayoutRegion(IlvRect rect)
which defines the layout region in manager coordinates, there are two more ways to set the layout region. These ways are only available in Java, not in CSS:
The rectangle (the argument rect ) specifies the layout region. The dimensions of the rectangle are given in view coordinates relative to the input view argument. This view is usually the view for displaying the grapher.
The entire visible area of the input view specifies the layout region.
To access the layout region, use the method:
IlvRect getSpecLayoutRegion()
This method returns a copy of the rectangle that defines the specified layout region. The dimensions of the rectangle are in the manager (grapher) coordinates. Depending on the last method you called, one of the following cases may occur:
*If setLayoutRegion(IlvRect) was the last method called, it returns a copy of the rectangle with no transformations.
*If setLayoutRegion(IlvManagerView, IlvRect) was the last method called, it returns a copy of the rectangle transformed to the manager coordinates using the transformer of the view. (The transformation to manager coordinates is not done if the coordinates mode is specified as view coordinates. )
*If setLayoutRegion(IlvManagerView) was the last method called, it returns a rectangle with the attributes x=0, y=0 and with the attributes width and height equal to the current width and height of the view, transformed to manager coordinates using the current transformer of the view. (The transformation to manager coordinates is not done if the coordinates mode is specified as view coordinates.)
*None of the methods was called. (This is the default behavior.) If at least one manager view is attached to the grapher, it returns a rectangle with the attributes x=0, y=0 and with the attributes width and height equal to the current width and height of the first attached view, transformed to manager coordinates using the transformer of the view. (The transformation to manager coordinates is not done if the coordinates mode is specified as view coordinates.) If no view is attached, the method returns null.
The layout algorithms call a different method:
IlvRect getCalcLayoutRegion()
This method first tries to use the layout region specification by calling the method getSpecLayoutRegion. If this method returns a non-null rectangle, this rectangle is returned. Otherwise, the method tries to estimate an appropriate layout region according to the number and size of the nodes in the attached graph. If no graph is attached, or the attached graph is empty, it returns a default rectangle ( 0, 0, 1000, 1000 ).
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports the layout region mechanism, use the method:
boolean supportsLayoutRegion()
The default implementation returns false. A subclass can override this method in order to return true to indicate that this mechanism is supported.
NOTE The implementation of the method layout is solely responsible for whether the layout region is taken into account when calculating the layout, and in which manner. For details, refer to the documentation of the layout algorithms.
Link clipping
Some layout algorithms try to calculate the specific connection points of links at the border of nodes and require instances of IlvFreeLinkConnector attached to the nodes, while other layout algorithms do not calculate any connection points but simply let the link connectors (any subclass of IlvLinkConnector ) determine how the links connect to the nodes.
If a layout algorithm calculates specific connection points, then it places the connection points of links by default at the border of the bounding box of the nodes. If the node has a nonrectangular shape such as a triangle, rhombus, or circle, you may want to place the connection points exactly on the border of the shape. This can be achieved by code by specifying a link clip interface. The link clip interface allows you to correct the calculated connection point so that it lies on the border of the shape. Some examples are shown in the following figure.
Effect of link clipping interface
Example of link clipping
To specify the link clip interface:
It is not possible to specify the link clip interface in CSS, however the sample in Writing a new layout renderer to clip links shows how to integrate a link clip interface into the graph layout renderer.
In Java
Use the method:
You modify the position of the connection points of the links by implementing a class that implements the IlvLinkClipInterface. This interface defines the following method:
public IlvPoint getConnectionPoint
                         (IlvGraphModel graphModel,
                          Object node,
                          IlvRect currentNodeBox,
                          Object link,
                          IlvPoint proposedConnectionPoint,
                          IlvPoint auxControlPoint,
                          boolean origin)
This method getConnectionPoint allows you to return the corrected connection point when the layout algorithm tries to connect to the proposed connection point. The auxControlPoint parameter is the auxiliary control point of the link segment that ends at the proposed connection point. The flag origin indicates whether the connection point is the start point or the end point of the link.
One strategy is to calculate the intersection between the ray starting at auxControlPoint and going through proposedConnectionPoint and the shape of the node. If there is any intersection, we return the one closer to auxControlPoint. If there is no intersection, clipping is not possible and we return the proposed connection point.
The following sample shows how to set a link clip interface that clips the connection points at the border of an ellipse or circle node:
layout.setLinkClipInterface(new IlvLinkClipInterface() {
    public IlvPoint getConnectionPoint
                               (IlvGraphModel graphModel,
                                Object node,
                                IlvRect nodeBox,
                                Object link,
                                        IlvPoint proposedConnectionPoint,
                                IlvPoint auxControlPoint,
                                boolean origin)
      // get the intersections between the line through connect and control
      // point and the ellipse at currentNodeBox.
      IlvPoint[] intersectionPoints = new IlvPoint[2];
      int numIntersections = IlvGraphLayoutUtil.LineIntersectsEllipse(
                                  proposedConnectionPoint, auxControlPoint,
                                  nodeBox, intersectionPoints);
      // choose the result from the intersections
      return IlvGraphLayoutUtil.BestClipPointOnRay(proposedConnectionPoint,
The sample in Writing a new layout renderer to clip links shows how to integrate a link clip interface into the graph layout renderer.
NOTE In addition to the link-clip interface, you can use the class IlvClippingLinkConnector. This special link connector clips the links at nonrectangular node shapes and updates the connection points automatically during interactive node movements.
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports the link clip interface, use the method:
boolean supportsLinkClipping()
The default implementation returns false. You can write a subclass to override this method in order to return true to indicate that this mechanism is supported.
Link connection box
If a layout algorithm calculates specific connection points, it places the connection points of links by default at the border of the bounding box of the nodes symmetrically with respect to the middle of each side. Sometimes it can be necessary to place the connection points on a rectangle smaller or larger than the bounding box, possibly asymmetrically. For example, connection points can be placed asymmetrically when labels are displayed above or below nodes. See Effect of link connection box interface. It can be achieved by specifying a link connection box interface. The link connection box interface allows you to specify for each node a node box different from the bounding box that is used to connect the links to the node.
Example of link connection box interface
It is not possible to specify the link connection box interface in CSS. The diagram component uses some predefined link connection box interfaces in combination with nodes of type IlvGeneralNode. If you need to use a different link connection box interface, you must integrate it in the graph layout renderer in the same way as the link clipping interface (see Writing a new layout renderer to clip links for a sample that integrates the link clipping interface).
In Java
To set a link connection box interface in Java, call:
void setLinkConnectionBoxInterface(IlvLinkConnectionBoxInterface interface)
You implement the link connection box interface by defining a class that implements the IlvLinkConnectionBoxInterface. This interface defines the following method:
public IlvRect getBox(IlvGraphModel graphModel, Object node);
This method allows you to return the effective rectangle on which the connection points of the links are placed.
A second method defined on the interface allows the connection points to be “shifted” tangentially, in a different way for each side of each node:
public float getTangentialOffset(IlvGraphModel graphModel,
                                 Object node, int nodeSide);
How the interfaces are used and which connection points are the final result are specific to each layout algorithm.
Hierarchical Layout, Tree Layout, and Link Layout use the link connection box to define the box of the node where links should be attached.
The following figure shows the effects of customizing the connection box. On the left is the result without any link connection box interface. On the right is the result that shows the effect when the link connection box interface returns the dashed rectangle for the blue node.
Effect of link connection box interface
Bus Layout, Circular Layout, Random Layout, Topological Mesh Layout, and Uniform Length Edges Layout do not spread out links at the node border, but can route links to point to the node center. See the method IlvBasicLinkStyleLayout.setConnectLinksToNodeCenters(boolean).
If a node has an irregular shape, the links should sometimes not point towards the center of the node bounding box, but to a virtual center inside the node. The link connection box interface can be used to define the virtual node center. The following figure shows an example of the effect.
Combined effect of link clipping interface and link connection box
If the links are clipped at the irregular green star node on the left of the figure, they will not point toward the center of the star, but toward the center of the bounding box of the node. You can correct this effect by specifying a link connection box interface that returns a smaller node box than the bounding box, such as shown on the right of the figure. Alternatively, the problem could be corrected by specifying a link connection box interface that returns the bounding box as the node box, but with additional tangential offsets that shift the virtual center of the node.
For example, to set a link connection box interface that returns a link connection rectangle that is smaller than the bounding box for all nodes of type IlvShadowRectangle and shifts up the connection points on the left and right side of all the nodes, call:
layout.setLinkConnectionBoxInterface(new IlvLinkConnectionBoxInterface() {
    public IlvRect getBox(IlvGraphModel graphModel, Object node) {
        IlvRect rect = graphModel.boundingBox(node);
        if (node instanceof IlvShadowRectangle) {
            // need a rect that is 4 pixels smaller
            rect.resize(rect.width-4.f, rect.height-4.f);
        return rect;
    public float getTangentialOffset(IlvGraphModel graphModel,
                                     Object node, int nodeSide) {
        switch (nodeSide) {
            return -10; // shift up with 10 for both left and right side
            return 0; // no shift for top and bottom side
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports the link connection box interface, use the method:
boolean supportsLinkConnectionBox()
The default implementation returns false. You can write a subclass to override this method in order to return true to indicate that this mechanism is supported.
Spline routing
Some layout algorithms always use straight links, while other layout algorithms can calculate bend points for polyline links. If splines are used instead of polyline links, special control points must be calculated for spline links. There is a generic spline control point optimization available as a postprocessing step.
If a layout algorithm supports multiple link shapes, the spline optimization affects only those links with bends. It does not affect straight links or links that are marked as fixed or non-reshapeable. Furthermore, it affects only those links that are really spline links. If you use customized IlvGraphic data structures instead of IlvSplineLinkImage or IlvGeneralLink, you must set an IlvSplineLinkFilter which tells the layout which link classes are splines. By default, only IlvSplineLinkImage or IlvGeneralLink are recognized as splines.
Example of spline routing
If you work with style sheets, add to the GraphLayout section, for example:
splineRoutingEnabled: "true";
minSplineCurveSize: "5";
maxSplineCurveSize: "100";
balanceSplineCurveThreshold: "3";
See below the meaning of these parameters.
In Java
To enable the spline routing, call:
Spline routing
When the layout algorithm needs to create a bend, the spline routing tries to determine a triangle at the bend so that the curve of the spline runs inside this triangle. The size of the triangle depends on the available free space and the location of the other nodes, which are considered obstacles for the spline. The side length of the triangle is controlled by two parameters:
The algorithm tries to find a triangle with a side length between min and max. If a lot of free space is available, it chooses a triangle at max size. If no free space is available, it chooses a triangle at min size, even if this will cause an overlap of the spline with neighbor nodes. Therefore it is recommended to set the minimum spline curve size to a very small value.
The algorithm chooses isosceles triangles whenever possible, because the shape of a spline link looks more balanced if the curves run inside isosceles triangles. However, if there is no available space, then isosceles triangles are impossible and triangles with different side lengths are chosen. A threshold determines how small a triangle can be before nonisosceles triangles are chosen:
A spline link filter is a subclass of IlvSplineLinkFilter that determines which links are splines. The base class IlvSplineLinkFilter simply tests the method IlvGraphic.isSpline. Currently, IlvSplineLinkImage, IlvGeneralLink and IlvCompositeLink return true when certain link parameters are set so that they behave like splines. You can set your own spline link filter that is adapted to your IlvGraphic data structures if needed. Call:
Memory savings
The computation of a layout on a large graph may require a large amount of memory. Some layout algorithms optionally use two ways to store data: one which gives the priority to speed (this is the default case), the other which consumes less memory and is usually slower. The amount of memory savings depends, of course, on the implementation of the subclass of IlvGraphLayout. No matter which option you choose for memory savings, the resulting layout should be the same.
Example of memory savings
To enable memory savings:
Add to the GraphLayout section:
memorySavings: "true";
In Java
Use the method:
void setMemorySavings(boolean option)
Memory savings is disabled by default.
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports this mechanism, use the method:
boolean supportsMemorySavings()
The default implementation returns false. You can write a subclass to override this method in order to return true to indicate that this mechanism is supported.
Percentage of completion calculation
Some layout algorithms can provide an estimation of how much of the layout has been completed. This estimation is made available as a percentage value that is stored in the graph layout report. When the algorithm starts, the percentage value is set to 0. The layout algorithm calls the following method from time to time to increase the percentage value by steps until it reaches 100:
void increasePercentageComplete(int newPercentage);
The percentage value can be accessed from the layout report by using the following method:
int percentage = layoutReport.getPercentageComplete();
To see an example of how to read the percentage value during the running of a layout, see Graph layout event listeners.
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports this mechanism, use the method:
boolean supportsPercentageComplete()
The default implementation returns false. A subclass can override this method to return true to indicate that this mechanism is supported.
Preserve fixed links
Sometimes, you want some links of the graph to be “pinned” (that is, to stay in their current shape when the layout is performed). You want a way to indicate the links that the layout algorithm cannot reshape. It makes sense especially when using a semiautomatic layout (the method where the user fine-tunes the layout by hand after the layout is completed) or when using an incremental layout (the method where the graph, the shape of the links, or both are modified after the layout has been performed, and then the layout is performed again).
Example of fixing links
To specify that a link is fixed:
1. Create a rule that selects the link, for instance:
#link1 {
  Fixed: "true";
2. Add this CSS statement to the GraphLayout section:
preserveFixedLinks: "true";
In Java
Use the method:
void setFixed(Object link, boolean fixed)
If the fixed parameter is set to true, it means that the link is fixed. To obtain the current setting for a link:
boolean isFixed(Object link)
The default value is false.
To remove the fixed attribute from all links in the grapher, use the method:
void unfixAllLinks()
The fixed attributes on links are considered only if you additionally call the following statement:
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports this mechanism, use the method:
boolean supportsPreserveFixedLinks()
The default implementation returns false. A subclass can override this method to return true to indicate that this mechanism is supported.
Preserve fixed nodes
At times, you might want some nodes of the graph to be “pinned” (that is, to stay in their current position when the layout is performed). You need a way to indicate the nodes that the layout algorithm cannot move. It makes sense especially when using a semiautomatic layout (the method where the user fine-tunes the layout by hand after the layout is completed) or when using an incremental layout (the method where the graph, the position of the nodes, or both are modified after the layout has been performed, and then the layout is performed again).
Example of fixing nodes
To specify that a node is fixed:
1. Create a rule that selects the node, for instance:
#node1 {
  Fixed: "true";
2. Add this CSS statement to the GraphLayout section:
preserveFixedNodes: "true";
In Java
Use the method:
void setFixed(Object node, boolean fixed)
If the fixed parameter is set to true, it means that the node is fixed. To obtain the current setting for a node:
boolean isFixed(Object node)
The default value is false.
To remove the fixed attribute from all nodes in the grapher, use the method:
void unfixAllNodes()
The fixed attributes on nodes are considered only if you also call:
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports this mechanism, use the method:
boolean supportsPreserveFixedNodes()
The default implementation returns false. A subclass can override this method to return true to indicate that this mechanism is supported.
Random generator seed value
Some layout algorithms use random numbers (or randomly chosen parameters) for which they accept a user-defined seed value. For example, the Random Layout uses the random generator to compute the coordinates of the nodes. The Uniform Length Edges Layout uses the random generator to compute some internal variables.
Subclasses of IlvGraphLayout that are designed to support this mechanism allow the user to choose one of three ways of initializing the random generator:
*With a default value that is always the same.
*With a user-defined seed value that can be changed when re-performing the layout.
*With an arbitrary seed value, which is different each time. In this case, the random generator is initialized based on the system time.
The user chooses the initialization option depending on what happens when the layout algorithm is performed again on the same graph. If the same seed value is used, the same layout is produced, which may be the desired result. In other situations, the user may want to produce different layouts in order to select the best one. This can be achieved by performing the layout several times using different seed values.
Example of random generator seed value
To specify the seed value:
You can specify for instance the seed value 25 of the random generator by adding the following statements to the GraphLayout section:
seedValueForRandomeGenerator: "15";
useSeedValueForRandomGenerator: "true";
The first statement defines the seed value, and the second statement specifies that the seed value must be used.
In Java
This example shows how this parameter can be used in Java in combination with the java.util.Random class in your implementation of the method IlvGraphLayout.layout():
Random random = (isUseSeedValueForRandomGenerator()) ?
  new Random(getSeedValueForRandomGenerator()) :
  new Random();
To specify the seed value in Java, use the method:
void setSeedValueForRandomGenerator(long seed)
The default seed value is 0.
The user-defined seed value is used only if you call additionally
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports this parameter, use the method:
boolean supportsRandomGenerator()
The default implementation returns false. A subclass can override this method in order to return true to indicate that this parameter is supported.
Save parameters to named properties
There are many ways to store your graph and your parameters:
*The diagram component uses XML files for the data and CSS files for the rendering parameters.
*The diagram component can also use a database.
*The Rogue Wave JViews grapher can be stored in .ivl files.
The base class IlvGraphLayout provides support for saving the layout parameters (such as isAnimate or isMemorySavings ) to .ivl files or to transfer the parameters to named properties. This is an advanced mechanism that is explained in detail in Saving layout parameters and preferred layouts. If you use XML files, CSS files, or databases, there is no point using this advanced mechanism.
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports this mechanism, use the method:
boolean supportsSaveParametersToNamedProperties()
The default implementation returns false. You can write a subclass to override this method in order to return true to indicate that this mechanism is supported.
Stop immediately
Several layout algorithms can stop computation when an external event occurs, for instance when the user presses a “Stop” button.
In Java
To stop the layout, you can call:
boolean stopImmediately();
This method is typically called in a multithreaded application from a separate thread that is not the layout thread. The method returns true if the stop was initiated and false if the algorithm cannot stop. The method returns immediately, but the layout thread usually needs some additional time after initiating the stop to clean up data structures.
The following code fragment illustrates the usage.
You start the layout in a separate thread:
Thread layoutThread = new Thread(new GraphLayoutPerformer(layout, grapher));
The class GraphLayoutPerformer is an implementation of the interface Runnable that performs layout. The following code is a sketch of this class:
class GraphLayoutPerformer implements Runnable
  public void run()
    // from now we are busy
    busy = true;
    try {
      // perform the layout
      layout.performLayout(true, true);
    catch (IlvGraphLayoutException e) {
      ... // handle the exception
    finally {
      // we are not busy anymore
      busy = false;
The Stop button operates outside the layout thread and simply calls the method stopImmediately of the running layout instance:
Button stopButton = new Button("Stop Layout");
stopButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        if (busy) layout.stopImmediately();
NOTE A detail has been omitted from the previous code fragment. A multitasking operation requires that the layout thread calls the yield() or sleep(t) methods from time to time. A good place to do this is by using a graph layout event listener. Event listeners are explained in Using event listeners.
The consequences of stopping a layout process depend on the specific layout algorithm. Some layout algorithms have an iterative nature. Stopping the iteration process results in a slight loss of quality in the drawing, but the layout can still be considered valid. Other layout algorithms have a sequential nature. Interrupting the sequence of the layout steps might not result in a valid layout. Usually, these algorithms return to the situation before the start of the layout process.
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports this mechanism, use the method:
boolean supportsStopImmediately()
The default implementation returns false. You can write a subclass to override this method in order to return true to indicate that this mechanism is supported.
Use default parameters
All the generic parameters have a default value. After modifying parameters, you may want the layout algorithm to use the default values. Later, you may want to return to your customized values. Rogue Wave  JViews keeps the previous settings when you select the default values mode. In Java, you can switch between the default values mode and the mode for your own settings using the method:
void setUseDefaultParameters(boolean option)
To obtain the current value:
boolean isUseDefaultParameters()
The default value is false. This means that any setting you make will be taken into consideration and the parameters that have not been specified will have their default values.

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