CBM User Guide Library Product Tree Copying Files from Product Tree

C++ library workspaces

A workspace is the set of directories in which libraries and their associated examples are built and stored. By default, CBM creates one workspace for each build configuration (operating system/compiler/build type combination) that has been used to build one or more libraries, resulting in the path <operating system>/<compiler>/<build type>. This directory structure starts from the common workspaces directory under <rw_root>. You have the option of specifying your own workspace directory location through the -w option of the script rwspm.

Note: Beginning with the November, 1997 Software Parts Manager CD, default workspace paths generate through CBM differ from those created by the SPM interface, raising possible compatibility issues.

The illustration below shows a workspace after two build types (6d and 3s) of Tools.h++ and one of Threads.h++ (6d) have been built, plus their associated example sets.

For compiling applications that use Rogue Wave products, you will identify these directories in your include paths and library paths. Refer to the installation guides for your Rogue Wave products for details.

  1. The lib directory contains all built libraries and any associated files. The illustration shows two dynamic libraries with their associated .exp and .dll files.
  2. The rw directory contains the Tools.h++ header files, the file config.dat, a file of compiler information created by the script rwsetup, and the file compiler.h, a specialized header file of compiler information that Tools.h++ needs to know.
  3. There is one subdirectory in rw for each part with built libraries. The Tools.h++ subdirectory contains some Tools.h++-related files that supplement the header files, which are located in the rw directory itself. For all other parts, the subdirectory contains the header files.
  4. The buildloc directory is where library builds are run. The library-specific directories under buildloc contain the makefile or makefiles used for the build, the resulting object (.obj) files, and, if the -l flag was set when executing rwspm, the library's implementation source code (.cpp files).
  5. The examples directory contains a subdirectory for each built part. This subdirectory is created during the export phase of a build. At that point it contains the example source files and the makefile or makefiles to be used in building the examples.
  6. The same directory structure shown for the 6d build type would be constructed for the 3s build type.

For some Rogue Wave products, the examples directory in the product tree may be the top of a directory tree that divides the full example set into subsets. In this case, the resulting workspace examples directory for that part mirrors the directory structure found in the product tree.

CBM User Guide Library Product Tree Copying Files from Product Tree